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Not Urinated Since Wednesday

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DarceyK123 | 15:37 Sat 30th Jan 2021 | Body & Soul
33 Answers
My mum (84) came home from hospital Wednesday evening about 6pm after being in there for 10 day with Covid Pheumonia.

They said she was well enough to come home with oxygen which she has.

Since then she has just lay on the sofa, she wont wash, get dressed or most importantly has not been to the loo, either way since Wednesday night.

I keep asking her but she says no i dont need to go, im so worried.


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mrs bennet needs help
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Panic over, she's just been so hopefully she's back on track, fingers crossed.
I feel more relieved for you than for your wife -;)
She certainly needs monitoring as something may be going on.
Good news Darcey, hope Mum continues to improve.
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Thank you, i feel a bit better now, still a way to go but its a start.
She'll feel better in herself now as well. Glad she's been.
Has she got easy access to a toilet, or toilet facilities? Just wondering if she is exhausted and feeling unwell, especially as you said she won't wash or dress either, if she's stalling going to the loo (or drinking less to put off going) if it's say upstairs or something like that, and she just wants to stay on the sofa. In case she might benefit from something like a commode.
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Eve - she has a downstairs loo, its only a short walk, but yes, she seems exhausted.
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Eve - she has a downstairs loo, its only a short walk, but yes, she seems exhausted.
^^^ Darcey's got an echo!

I'm glad that the problem seem to have resolved itself, Darcey, but if it happens again, don't wait too long before seeking medical help. Two years ago I (madly!) waited 11 days without being able to pee before calling an ambulance. (I was doubled up in pain and hardly able to breathe because my lungs were so full of fluid). I ended up spending 5 nights in hospital while they tried to get my kidneys working again, as they'd almost totally packed up due to the strain that they'd been under. It's definitely not something that I'd want anyone else to have to go through!

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