Watched the film Joy on Netflix on Sunday night,it culminates in the birth of Louise Brown the first "test-tube" baby.It shows the struggle scientists have to convince others that new methods and... ...
Never been so pleased to see someone miss out on a big payout.The woman played her luck and last two boxes were £5,000 and £100,000. The banker offered £59,750 and she said no deal.Greed got in... ...
Is Sean Wallace taking the mickey when the young woman took the £1,000 he deliberately answered a couple of questions wrong to make her regret going low.
Some help with these rhyming answer groups please. (8) Having great diversity (9) Nap (4) (13)Can be spurred,fringed or closed(7) South Atlantic island (9) (15)Indifferent support on the sports field... ...
Q16 Detroit=Tigers,Chicago=Cubs what does Florida = 7 letters.I think it's Marlins to rhyme with Harlequins it was Florida Marlins until 2012 but is now Miami Marlins.
I and I am sure a fair number of contributors to this section are surprised to find that only 13 out of 700 entries were correct.Would be interesting to know which questions we wrongly answered .