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Lost Voice

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jennyjoan | 00:06 Tue 02nd Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
54 Answers
do you ever think that because you are own at the end of life - you don't have a voice anymore.

If you are put in care home - you've no voice.

If you can't speak - you've no voice

If you are in pain and you can't speak - you've no voice

If you try to complain in any situation - care home or any kind of home - you've no voice.

You may as well as be on your merry way - WITHOUT YOUR VOICE


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Ummmmm - I AM NOT ALLOWED for god's sake. Nobody is allowed in.
That's very sad JJ, if she was so bright,active and alert at the time she'd have been better in sheltered housing.

Does the home not do garden visits or through the window visits sort of thing?
Your friend was in a care home two year ago, did she move out at some point?
We had an experience with a care home, Bridy insisted that she took £400 with her so she could get her hair done etc, when she passed away, we asked what was left from the £400, blank faces all round.
I had a whole conversation with the Sky man today through the window.
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when we did visit at the beginning (before the Covid) - you're right BLANK FACES around.

There was a dance thing going on in the events room that afternoon and one of the carers in the events room asked me to bring my friend Kathleen down to participate. I went up to to her room - she was in her nightie - I begged her to freshen up and put on fresh clothes which she did. Before I did so -another one of the carers on that level - said - oh leave Kathleen - she takes ages to get washed. I ignored her.

kathleen did takes ages to get washed - but I helped and we made it to the events room where she actually got up onto the floor and sang into the mic. (This carer was telling me to leave her in her room). Yes so I must (to myself).

Again what I have said (no voice) only I turned up and now I can't turn up.
That was to UMMMM
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what has the SKY man got to do with a bloody care home. Completely different scenario.

I'm going to have a SKY man soon too but Jesus I won't be comparing him to my friend in a care home.
jj you have to see the other side, it would be a risk for anyone to visit, but not allowing a mobile phone in I don't understand
I think was responding to my point about some homes allowing people to visit and chat through the open windows, like last year in the nicer weather some places had drive by discos.

Perhaps when spring comes.
I I think Ummmm was responding
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Yes when spring comes I might be beside her LOL joking aside. This is a local care home and there would be on Kathleen's floor another 5 ladies I know who were just absolutely fabulous people in their day. And only aged between 70 and 76
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Mamy - this is my last post cos I am mentally drained - Ummmm was responding to what - the SKY man or the man in the Sky.
You are probably right Lynne, I'm in a position where I cant
To finish my answer I'm stuck with not being able to visit my partner, who was admitted to hospital yesterday, will take her mobile in tomorrow (today) and anything she wants. At least when I ring ward they will take a phone to her.
I have sympathy with jj. Covid makes some of us very very sad. She cares very much about her friend who appears unable to communicate. Talking through a window for jj is impossible ( she has hearing problems) I hope you feel a bit better in the am jj.
I do agree Anne, it's terribly sad to see someone you care about go down like that and not be able to help - I think that is what is affecting many people, the sheer helplessness of the situation.

Tony, I hope Jen's stay is brief and also comfortable.
But she also claims to be able to lip read....and still manages to use a phone.

JJ appears to have many friends, she could take someone else with her.

Mamy has it right....I had a conversation through a window.

Lol @ Corby. He was kinda good looking but not God like :-)
Lynne I don't think it will be a short stay, but will see what today delivers

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