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I;M Concerned Now

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jennyjoan | 17:05 Tue 09th Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
If the nurse today was in Astronaut Gear giving the vaccination - I have managed to get a face to face appointment with a doctor in the same practice next week and I'm now thinking of cancelling as to what is the point I definitely won't know one word she is saying if the doctor is in Astronaut Gear too. - if she wore like the clear visor I wouldn't be too bad.


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Just tell her you can't hear her. She will understand. It would not be sensible to walk out in a huff.
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Tilly i asked the nurse yesterday to lift the mask a little and she said no
do you know sign language?
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No dont do it as I excel in lipreading and self taught from age 2
so how would an interpreter help? They'd have to wear a mask too,
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I was joking re the interpreter maybe i was being sarcastic knowing it would never happen
Ask the doctor to write down the next steps you need to take
Just a thought but I'm regularly communicating with my GP on the surgery website.

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I;M Concerned Now

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