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Whitening Toothpastes

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badwolf29 | 17:21 Tue 09th Mar 2021 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
a lot of toothpastes so that they have whitening properties or that they can whiten your teeth by a certain amount of shades. do they actually work and if they do, how effective are they and what brands??


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There's an explanation about how they work, together with a comparison with whitening at a dental surgery and recommendations for the best products on this well-written page from the Evening Standard's website:
yes they work
based on H2O2 which is the agent

get a reputable product - you can easily overwhite your teeth
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I've got a new electric toothbrush from boots. it's the oral-b special edition - 8. it has all these different settings depending on your needs, from gum care and sensitivity to whitening and a bunch of others (I won't bother listing them all). IT IS EXPENSIVE THOUGH! I managed to get it on discount at £115 but the ORIGINAL PRICE IS £450!!! I would never spend that much on a toothbrush, but they have been developing it for five years and it is effective, so just in case anyone's interested.

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Whitening Toothpastes

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