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Treatment For Arthritis

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Hazlinny | 15:48 Sat 19th Jun 2021 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
We often see advertisements for various items to drastically improve arthritic problems, e.g. Turmeric, Jelly-like sweets, etc. Has anyone tried these and what have the results been?


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For God's sake get your hip replaced .
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I would love to have my hip replaced but, because of underlying heart problems, I cannot receive general or local anaesthetic so no hip replacement for me - don't judge too quickly!!!!!
Are they still ruling out doing the surgery via epidural? That's cruel really.

The thing with alternative treatments is that what helps one may not help another.
I agree totally with the post of mamya in that do you want to spend the rest of your life in pain or take the chance of unfortunate consequences of an anaesthetic and that is what you need to convince a hesitant anaesthetist.
I have made a life of " judging " people and quickly at times and sometimes I have got it right and other times hopelessly wrong, but I have NEVER doubted my judgement.
You will not be short of advice on AB.
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Mamy - I have seen two orthopaedic consultants, a cardiologist and consultant anaesthetist and all say the same - operation would be too risky as heart not pumping well enough to withstand anaesthetic or the trauma (as they put it) of spinal anaesthetic. Grin and bear it as best I can is only answer with the help (hopefully) of a newly prescribed weekly patch.
I feel for you and hope the patches help, take care.
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Thank you, Mamyalynne.
Try anything! I hope you find the best relief remedy.
Try Seatone, Extract of Green Lipped Mussels from health shops. Worked a treat for me and kicked in after about two weeks. I realise not everything works for everyone, but in MY experience, this stuff was good ! Good luck.
There is a difference between Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, I have both. The treatments that have been mentioned are for Rheumatoid and I suspect you have Osteo in your hip.
I've been told I need a full knee replacement but it isn't possible for me simply because there is no-one who can look after me after the operation, so this coming Friday I have an appointment to see the orthopaedic surgeon to ask him if there are other options.
Don't waste your money on these treatments as I don't believe they have any effect on osteoarthritis. I'm sure someone will correct me on this if I'm wrong.
Excellent and totally relevant post by Barsel ^^^;
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Thanks Barcel and Squad. Maybe I should try the Yorkshire Vet (only joking)!! Surely, Barcel, GP could organise care for you post-op either at a local hospital or via Home Care??
This is one of the things I am hoping to discuss on Friday if there are no other options open to me.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Pain from an arthritic hip (osteo) becomes insupportable and destroys your life. A replacement op. is a simple job for surgeons these days (my 1st was in 2004). I tried everything else - sucking a cube of jelly every day etc., etc.. They didn't work.

Honestly, it is not a huge op. these days. My OH had heart problems (biggish, needing a triple bypass in 2000) and then had a hip replacement with an epidural in 2005. They even offered him a video link so he could see what they were doing.

Obviously, I'm not a medic and you do far better to listen to sqad. It seems odd that you are not a candidate for an epidural, however.

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