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Amlodopine And Charcoal Capsules

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rosyposy | 21:00 Fri 03rd Dec 2021 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
My elderly neighbour takes Amlodopine 10mg for her high blood pressure and is wanting to take Activated Charcoal capsules for flatulance as she is embarrassed about this.The reviews are very good but thought I’d ask for advice for her first. TIA for any replies


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The best advice, in all such situations, is probably: "Ask a pharmacist". They're the real experts when it comes to mixing medications.

However there's nothing on on the NICE British National Formulary website to suggest any contraindications and, as a user of amlodipine myself, I can't think of any reason not to go ahead. (I take omeprazole, for heartburn, alongside amlodipine. If an active drug doesn't interact with amlodipine, it would seem unlikely that an inert substance like charcoal would either).
Question Author
Thank you Chris,very helpful as per, I will tell her tomorrow, rosy
Thanks for your reply, Rosyposy. Just a thought though:
Active charcoal is used in the treatment of some oral poisonings, as it absorbs the poisons from within the gut. To avoid any possibility of the charcoal absorbing the amlodipine (and thus lowering its effect), it might be best to take the two medications at different times, rather than simultaneously.
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Thank you again Chris, it says on bottle to take 6 a day, maybe I should suggest she takes three, they are quite big capsules,do you think?
If the instructions say to take 6, it might be best to do so, in my opinion. However, if your neighbour takes her amlodipine first thing in the morning (as many people do), it might also be best to wait for a couple of hours or so before taking the first charcoal tablet.
Question Author
Ok thanks again, will sort it tomorrow, rosy

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