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Amlodipine Side Effects?

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nailit | 20:29 Sat 19th Feb 2022 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
Got severe stomach cramps.
Cant face food.

Been a week on them.
Will this die down?



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If you still have severe cramp/pain by Monday, I'd report it.
It might not be the amlodipine that's the cause of the problem. Stomach aches and loss of appetite are among the possible symptoms of long Covid:

Either way, speak to your GP.
Your stomach symptoms are extremely unlikely to be due to your BP medication.

"Stomach cramps" when did they come on?

I tend to agree with the post of mamya based on what you have told us.
How long have you had the stomach cramps? Any other symptoms?
This may help Nailit.... Sounds like it definitely doesnt suit everyone.
I took them for a while but they made my ankles swell, so I stopped.
Question Author
Ive only had stomach cramps/loss of appetite since starting on these meds.

So when did you start taking the meds?

(Christ this is like drawing bloody teeth)
What was the outcome of you getting in touch with the GP about your bleeding ?
Sqad- he's been on them a week I think
For the brief period that I was on Amlodipine I suffered from swollen ankles, aching legs and loss of libido. GP switched me to another med.
237SJ......thanks my love, I think I will pull out of this one ;-)
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//So when did you start taking the meds?

(Christ this is like drawing bloody teeth) //

This is exactly why I stay away from my GP as much as possible....
I already told you in my op.
Correct my school reports always said " could do better."
Sorry Sqad..I was just saying (as people on AB say)
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Been a typical experiance that GPs NEVER listen to a word you say to them....never mind the receptionists!
237SJ......thanks my love, I think I will pull out of this one
In light of how the thread is panning out I concur
My GP listens to me - probably because I don't go to he him/her with a confrontational attitude. Maybe try that sometime?
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* Note to self*

Take no notice of or off line.
They will make you ill one way or another.

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