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Lie-in King | 23:02 Mon 06th Jun 2022 | Body & Soul
134 Answers
Please accept my apologies for not being more forthcoming before now. Lynne has now said that I can let you know what's going on.

She has multiply-sited carcinomas & has been diagnosed terminally ill. She left hospital with the express wish that she was allowed to come back to her home & that she didn't want any further treatment.

I'm with her 24/7, she has carer visits several times a day, the District Nurses are on the ball & on call, her GP is checking up on her & Marie Curie nurses are now helping us at night.

I try my best to keep Lynne up to speed with the nonsense that is AB & can say with confidence that she misses you all very much.

I would request that you don't ask for more info because I don't want to appear rude by not answering all your questions, but will try to keep up as best I can.

Love from us both :-) ♥ X


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I am so saddened that you have confirmed what I suspected to be the case. My very best wishes to you both x
How very sad, she is a great lady, always very helpful, my best wishes to you both.
Oh no. Not our Mamya :’(
no I think depressing news should be given in small doses

Make sure her pain relief is OK
// had to look up carcinomas (today)//
oh carcinomas are bad, very bad.
same category as AOG, oudhammer, Fred puli, Bathsheba
I am really sorry to hear this news. It’s so difficult to say anything helpful, but I truly wish you all the best
Mamy has been there during some of my darkest times whilst a member of AB.
(She has also given me a right kicking in the gonads at times)
Please pass on my appreciation (And love) to her, if possible.
I've come across so many lovely, warm hearted folk on this site, MamyaXx is definitely amongst the top fifty or so. ;-)
Difficult to express my feelings but Lynne seems to be surrounded by love, care and kindness in her own home and that is good to know.
Thinking of you. x
My reaction was the same as rockyracoon's - "Oh no, not our Mamya"

One of my favourite Abers whose presence on this site has always been uplifting. Best wishes to you both xxx.
I didn't know that PP... very sad :-(
Thank you so much for this Lie-in King. I won't bother you for more than you have time to give or are comfortable with.
You both have my love and thoughts (and my prayers if you don't mind).
Spend precious time together. xx
Sending warm hugs to you both x
Love to both of you from myself and mrs Dag.
Dear Lynne and L-i-K,
This is very sad news but not wholly unexpected for those folks following your posts.
Mrs JtH and I wish both of you much love and laughter to help you over the bumps.
She is very precious, to her own family and the one she has, here, on AB. xx
I'm so sorry to hear that I hope she gets better soon
Oh no, so sorry to hear this very bad news ( it's knocked me sidewards ). Much love and peace to Mamya and thank you LiK for updating us and being there for Mamya.
I never knew Lynne, but I feel as if I did know her somehow. On here and another forum. I’m very sad to hear about her illness.
Lovely lady.
Sending love to both of you. So glad our lovely Msmya is at home with those she loves around her.

And to Mamya a special message.
Thank you for the music

Love Lottie xxx

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