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Can A Sinus Infection

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emmie | 07:06 Sun 26th Jun 2022 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
affect your eyes. My right eye is still fully bloodshot, this is the third week. I have been to Moorfields eye hospital and they were inconclusive with their diagnosis, they gave me eye drops which don't seem to have any effect. They have told me to come back if it hasn't improved within the week which i will do, but the pain in my face extends over the eyeball, down the right side of my nose and face. Any thoughts?


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i have spoken with the GP, she gave me some antihistamines to try and stop the watery eyes.
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my eyes started to cloud over any number of times, i get a lot of grit in them during the night time. I did suggest a sinus infection to the GP but she didn't think it was.
I sinus infection can affect the eye, but it is really a rare complication.
In your case and in my opinion, your eye problems are nothing to do with your sinuses.
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ok sqad, then it's back to Moorfields for another look. Its painful too in places like the forehead, and down the right side of my nose, face
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its only the right eye sqad.
emmie....just a could be shingles. You don't have to have a rash.
Mention it to Moorfields when you go.
Question Author
i will, thanks very much.....
That sounds very painful Emmie. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it x
I don't know about the sinus infection but I have just been through a similar situation as you have. Mine was a blocked gland on the lower lid of my right eye. Sore, painful, bloodshot eye for about a month. Tears pouring down my face at times. I used to massage the right side of my nose downwards to release some of the moisture.
Having been prescribed Carbomer gel for dry eye in the past I bought a tube and used that. Although it eased the irritation the eye didn't improve right away.
I felt like I was looking through a veil. I did persevere with the massage and gel and now after weeks of discomfort my eye is more or less back to normal. No more watery eyes or pain. Now I just put a bit of gel in my eye in he mornings.
I would contact your optician, doctor or pharmacist and ask about an eye gel instead of drops. Hope you see
some improvement soon .
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thanks for the input guys. I am going back to the hospital tomorrow, as eye is still fully bloodshot and the pain in my nose, face is torment.
even taking pain killers which aren't helping.
Sorry to hear the eye problem isn't improving, I hope the hospital sort it out for you. Having suffered an eye problem myself recently, you have my sympathy.
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i hope so too, the pain in my face is awful, like having a bad toothache.
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an update,
went back to Moorfields, where they diagnosed me with scleritis, inflammation of the eye, no wonder it's so painful. Have been given steroid drops and Omeprazole and Naproxen, so will see how that fares. I also had to have a blood test and chest X Ray, talk about thorough. I have to go back in two weeks to do a check up, i am hoping it's cleared up by then.
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indeed 1ozzy, i was there at 08.30 and got home around 12.00 so a long old morning, but they are a brilliant hospital with a world renown reputation.
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what i haven't been able to tolerate is the pain in my head, down my face, nose and around the eye socket, heaven only knows what i would do without pain killers.
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i didn't tolerate one lot of anti inflammatory drug, made me sick, so hopefully the naproxen won't upset my poor stomach.

what do you take, or is that a secret concoction?

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