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high blood pressure

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stronghold | 21:11 Sat 31st Dec 2005 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

I am male 53 with high blood pressure and don't like the idea of taking drugs for the rest of my life. Has anyone any alternative suggestions?? Or is there anyone out there of a similar age taking the medication and if so how is it?



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Is it not better to take drugs to controll your BP rather than run the risk of a Stroke?
Did your GP give you any other health advice when he prescribed your medication? i.e. Are you carrying too much weight? Do you exercise enough? Are you eating a healthy diet? Are you in a job which is causing more than the average amount of stress? A combination of all these things can cause high blood pressure, and even going to the doctor and being anxious about your consultation can temporarily increase its level. If medication has been prescribed, obviously it's important to take it but sometimes it can be gradually reduced naturally if all your other lifestyle practices are sensible. Meanwhile, stick with the tablets, even if you don't like the idea. They could be preventing a heart attack or a stroke.
their have been medical tests done where cod liver oil reduces the blood pressure and garlic taken daily also helps..neither of these will affect your medication..tea coffee and alchol should also be cut out of your daily should drink ...grape juice..dandelion coffee..and spring smaller meals and try to cut meat out as much as possible..watching your diet and taking moderate exercise "dont exhaust yourself" should lower your blood pressure..meditation is another thing you could of luck...
stronghold i am 40 and on coversyl which is a water tablet i may have to combine it with more medications to reduce my bp but if the medications are there then why not use them any alternative would have to be taken daily any way

My partner is 43. Ten years ago he was diagnosed with a kidney problem which caused high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He had to take drugs because no amount of special diet or exercise would have made much difference. The drugs controlled the problems, but for several years he felt tired all the time. Eventually the doctor changed the type of blood pressure pill and he now feels much better. If you take pills, make sure they are the best ones for you.

Having said that, I am quite overweight but have never had a problem with my blood pressure. However, I recently changed my diet drastically - I eat a fraction of what I used to eat, stopped eating meat and drinking coffee and drink much less alcohol. I get loads of exercise - mainly hiking and cycling. I've lost 2.5 stone and my blood pressure has dropped dramatically - it's now 103/63 which I think is quite low.

Perhaps you could try the diet and exercise route and if that doesn't help, then go for the pills. You're bound to feel better and be healthier either way.

Exercise is very good for your condition something as simple as walking for about 30 minutes a day.

Something else you could consider is meditation. Find some nature based music whether it be a stream, river or something about nature that you find relaxing, sit and listen to it between 20 - 30 minutes per day, and you will find that this will dramatically help you.

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