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The downside of being optimistic?

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Gnisy | 12:52 Mon 02nd Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I was talking to a colleague the other day about being optimistic with the the obstacles we face at work. She told me, in an enigmatic sort of way, that it is not always good to be optimistic when it comes to your job. I have no idea what she meant by that but lost the chance to ask her. Anyone can help enlighten my boggled mind?


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Possibly she meant that everybody is replaceable, and she might be reflecting on past work experiences, but there's an old saying, 'Know Your Product', in your case, your work, if you know your job, and are good at it, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, so being an optimistic is better than being a pessimist.

Its worth taking heed of her words. its great that you approach work place obstacles with an air of optimism, but its important to remember that at work, you are only as good as the product you sell or the contracts you make (I have no idea what you do!)........and it is not always the case that those who work the hardest, or those who are best at their job reap the benefits. In my short career, I have seen many examples of 'negative selection' with the most unlikely people getting promoted. I think your colleague has had similar experiences.

if you are too optimistic you will just get let down time after time, particularly in work, as often the rules of social conduct and etiquette don't apply and people will happily step on your head to get to the top - and worse get jealous and try to sabotage you.

also hopeless optimism can be seen as a sign of weakness to some cynical and twisted people - and to some even a sign that you're a bit dim (only in that you are not aware of the cutthroat nature of the world and are therefore not being cautious enough to prevent mistakes)

mad isn't it, that being happy go lucky and positive can go against you? what a world, what a world...

Optimism is a strange thing as it can be seen as a bit happy clappy and naive. My partner is always saying you need to be positive and "you need to see the glass as half full". A corny phrase that I could hit him for every bloody time he says it!! For I prefer to just be a Realist with a dash of Optimism now and again !!

I think in certain situations such as jobs etc. it is perhaps more important to have a Que sera sera approach in that whatever happens - even if it seems bad at the time, just try and make the most of it. You only live once (no amount of optimism will change that!!!) Vics X

Hi Gnisy, What a coinsidence! my husband and I were only talking about this subject lastnight. I'm feeling really on a downer at the moment with work and how its going for me. I've always been a optimistic, caring person, but over the years I've had so many "let downs" in work and by people whom I've thought I could trust and make a friend of.

Work was the subject lastnight as I'm having a rough deal at the moment, I have always put my heart and soul into whatever career I've been in, when I think I'm making some head way and enjoy in what I'm doing (BANG!) there is always someone to put the boot in, its got to the point where I said lastnight to my husband is that I'm going to change my way of thinking and treat people and talk to people how they treat me, (like something I've just stood in). I have read all your replys and I agree whole heartedly, no Mr Nice Guy for me!

Maybe if I tread on people and talk like they are skivvies, I might survive 2006 instead of dreading what the months ahead have instore for me. Thanks. XXX

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Thanks to everyone on their answers. The thread seemed pessimistic in general (sic) but ya, that is what life is teaching us anyways - rather than see the glass half full or half empty, take it as it is - half a glass of water.

As for my workplace, (I'm a newbie editor btw) I do feel like everyone is doing their work half-heartedly and after reading the answers on this thread, I have a feeling that some of these chums are going to get the next big promotion regardless of how much overtime I put in.

Yet, I do try to keep it in balance like not giving up a social life just to be noticed at work or socializing too much until I am not doing any work. I also will treat them as I would like them to treat me, cat woman, although I live up to the saying that 'hell hath nothing like a woman scorned'. I hope I got that right.

Thanks everyone

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