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Im Awaiting A Medical Assissisted Detox From Alcohol

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nailedit | 20:47 Mon 16th Oct 2023 | Body & Soul
53 Answers

I *DON'T* expect any one to understand it.

But can you at least understand that no one expected to end up this way??

I never woke up one morning and thought that it would be a good idea to become addictited to drugs or alcohol.

Its a kind of creeping thing....



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Good luck from me too, nailedit, hope you soon get the help you need x

All of us are rooting for you, Nails. I wish you the very best of luck. 

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Bet Tilly never had me down as a helpless drunk when we met up a few years ago and shared dinner together?

Just goes to show....


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Cross posted Tills....

I hope you haven't spoiled your good looks...

Go for it, wiz.  Much love to you. 

Naomi.  X

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//I hope you haven't spoiled your good looks...//

Wasnt aware that I had any? ....

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Thank you naomi and everyone else...

Come off it!  I remember telling you years ago you have a very nice face.  :o)

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//Come off it!  I remember telling you years ago you have a very nice face.  :o)//


LOL, Years go by you know?

Anyway, fatter and balder nowadays 😂

Still the same wiz.  :o)

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//Still the same wiz.  :o)//


Drunk or sober, fatter or balder, different nic or same nic....but still wiz 😁


How can you be balder than bald?

Good question, Tilly.  Why didn't I think of that?  😂

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Was I bald when I met you Tills?

Thought that I might have had the decency to have at least a shadow on my head??  My apologies...

My recollection is that some ABers had reservations about our meeting, lol.

Some seemed to be that i was a serial killer or some such!


Had a really pleasent afternoon chatting over a stoke oatcake..

So did I and it would be nice to do it again sometime.

After you're well, of course.

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100% Tills 👍


Just wanted to say in case you hadn't noticed, wiz, you have a lot of friends here.  That's the sort of thing we sometimes fail to notice properly when we're not at our best - so just a little reminder.  :o)

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can you just reassure the AB community that I am not a serial killer or a threat to society or a tin foil hattter. Just a regular person with issuses that I am trying to adrress.


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