I started with a bad cold a fortnight ago - the usual sniffling and sore throat etc. I lost my sense of taste a 10 days ago and I've not yet regained it despite most of my other symptoms having gone - I just have mild headaches and a slight cough left. My sense of smell is ok. I can sense whether something is sweet or sour etc, but just not the flavour. What should I do to try and encourage my sense of taste to come back? I've been taking zinc and vitamin c.
The senses of taste and smell are very closely associated (I have a neighbour who has neither, or at least they're both very weak), so if one is still ok I expect the other will return. No idea how long it might take though, or how to speed it up. Make sure you're eating well (assuming your appetite's back), with a varied diet, and if you think it's necessary take a multi-vitamin/mineral daily - that should help I would think.