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Why Am I Always Cold Yet My Friend Is Really Hot?

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hellywelly4 | 17:03 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

I have an under active thyroid and take thyroxine tablets for it. I still really feel the cold though. My friend is always hot and wears a short sleeved top and thin skirt. Her hands are really warm. Why are we so different? I am 83 and she is 74. She is diabetic but her thyroid is normal.  Is there any reason why we are so different?



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Poorer circulation possibly.

Maybe you are more sedentary and she is always on the move.

You're simply both made/created differently. You have different body systems, your skins are not the same as each other. That's the way it goes, that's life.

Different ratios of body fat, different metabolism, different levels of activity, possibly different diets.

Your thyroid probably doesn't help, despite the medication 

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Why Am I Always Cold Yet My Friend Is Really Hot?

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