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Drinking Two Pints Of Water

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JinnyJoan | 21:26 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
3 Answers

for my scan - anyway what is 2 pints in litres - thanks - I did look it up but it something like 1.74 - now I can't work the .74 Thanks for any answers  I bought the bottles but they come in one litre.



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2 pints in only 1.14 litres.

Roughly litre plus 1/8th of a litre.

One litre is probably enough but I'd have 1 litre plus a cupful.



A liter is 1 and 3/4 pints, so will probably be enough. The exact quantity isn't critical so, as nma suggests, add an extra cupful if you're worried.

"Two and a quarter pounds of jam weigh about a kilogram."

"A litre of water's  pint and three-quarters"

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Drinking Two Pints Of Water

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