what do you laugh at but no you shouldnt? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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what do you laugh at but no you shouldnt?

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loopyc | 11:19 Fri 03rd Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

i saw a boy of about 14 trying to impress some girls on his bike when all of a sudden he came a cropper, after seeing he wasnt really hurt i found myself laughing every time i thought of it. im not a nasty person but do seem to have a slightly warped sense of humor. so what have you laughed at when really you shouldnt?

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I saw a lad about 19 walking like he was great all trendy with in fashion clothes on.. slip over on some ice all his phone and money fell out of his pockets.. he tried to get up but kept on slipping he eventually got up and picked up all his stuff then.. flicked his collar up and walked off...oh how i laughed..i couldn't help him cos i might've slipped over ;oP

I laughed all the way home..my kids kept saying whats so funny mummy...he he he how wicked i am...but he would've prob laughed if it had been me

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i can see this thread is really going to cheer up my dreary day!

My cat was sitting in the garden last summer watching some birds. He was so busy watching he had no idea of anything else that was going on.

I crept up behind him and gently touched him on the back which gave him a great shock.

He leapt in the air, did a backward somersault, then flew up the garden in panic.

I still laugh at it now when I think about it.

We've all had those moments and perhaps not the idea way to deal with it agreed but sometimes it's better to 'laugh it off' brush yourself down and walk on.

It's the stuff 'You've been framed' is made of.....

A man in my local pub not known to me or my mates, was extremely Drunk, he left the pub and we though that was the end of the entertainment for the night.

All of a sudden he came back in with his trousers around his ankle's, and carrying an ashtray in which he had for better words DUMPED in, it was a solid one and was in an upright position in the ashtray, He put it on the bar called the barmaid over, asked for a pint { whilst peeing against the bar}, and ask her if she had alight for his cigar, ie in the ashtray

Ps, i no in sounds grotesque but boy did we laugh

I was having Sunday lunch with my girlfirend's parents for the first time on a particularly hot August day. My seat was facing the french windows which opened onto their patio in their back garden. As I was making polite conversation with her Dad, this black object thumped down onto the patio over his left shoulder.

It turned out the cat had been asleep on the bedroom windowsill with the window open, had had a dream (or just forgot where it was) and had fallen out the window. Well I just collapsed, especially as the cat was still where it had 'landed', looking up at the bedroom window as if asking 'how on earth did i get here?'

Luckily the parents saw the funny side too and we still have a laugh about it

The neighbour's cat. My dad found it hainging from an upstairs window ledge by it's claws, just dangling and mewing and no one could hear it. My dad had to go round and inform them where their pet was. Or the other time when it was first being let of of the house into the back garden. (it's a persian btw) It disappeared for a few minutes at the end of the garden. The cat then gets called a few times and then it appeared from the bushes, covered in sticky willow and grass.

Maybe this isn't quite in the spirit of the thread but it's a story I heard years ago and it still makes me smile when I think of it.

On International day, a train pulled up at Twickenham station, and a somewhat inebriated rugby fan staggered to a door and let himself out........straight onto the track 4 feet below him!! (I should at this point, let you know that the old style trains that South West Trains had then, had inside door handles that didn't lock)

Pulling himself back up into the carriage, our hero managed to muster all his dignity and spat ''Spect you all thought that was funny' and then went to the opposite side of the carriage, opened the door to let himself out........and promptly fell to the ground again, as the train, hadn't in fact actually arrived at the station, it was waiting at a red light!!!!

PMSL at everyone's posts.

At new year I went to stay at my dad's which means a four hour coach journey. This trip the coach was rammed fulled and I always tend to get silly and giggle for no reason when hot, tired and bored. Well this grumpy lady sat on the seat over the aisle to my left and puit all her bags in the compartment above her head whilst grunting at her nephew she was with. I carried on reading my book when something kept catching my eye but when I'd look whatever it was had gone. It was snowing heavily and I thought snow was coming through the roof but we then looked down and realised it was popcorn! Just as I was about to turn and tell the lady her bag was open a whole opened bag of popcorn fell on her head. I couldn't hold it together and was nearly crying because I felt mortified for her, this angered her even more and I laughed even more. I tried holding my breath which made it worse but almost exploded.

About half an hour later I'd just about calmed down when a Christmas present fell on her head. That was it then, I just wanted to get off the coach and walk the last 80 miles or I thought she was going to kill me.

Oh and something I did always makes me laugh too, I was working in a financial services place behing a glass screen and all the rest of it when a customer came in. We weren't supposed to have chairs out the front but I was in charge for the day and feeling lazy so took one out (it was one of the computer chairs). I swung the chair to the counter and sat on it whilst greeting the customer before hitting the floor as the chair was apparently broken (the bit that you use to higher/ lower it). I was in stitches and then couldn't serve the poor bloke who was trying his best to get me to calm down. He didn't laugh though which was nice, but I bet he told everyone about it in the pub afterwards and had a good laugh!
Tourettes people get me everytime. I know I shouldnt but its so hard.
We all laugh at other peoples misfortunes, so long as they can laugh at themselves, then alls well with the world.
There's an old guy who drinks in a club I go to who generally has a lunch time drink and sleeps in the afternoon before going in for the evening at about 7pm. On this particular day he went to sleep in the afternoon but didn't wake until 6am rather than the usual 6pm so he proceeded from the false assumption that it was evening rather than morning. When relating the story he was saying "well I saw a milk float and thought 'He's working late"! and "There's not much traffic about tonight"! and "Their late openning the club tonight"! obviously finally he realised that it ws in fact morning! PMSL

Trojan, I can relate to that as i,m a train driver and seen that happen manytimes before.

I arrived with my train a few years back at London Waterloo station, On going through the train ie looking for a paper/loss property etc, i came across a false leg, {you know the old NHS ones} As i got of the train this fella was hopping towards me, as he got to me he said you have'nt seen a false leg mate, I said is this it, He look at it for what felt like an age and said, i think thats it, i was wetting myself with laughter.

Ps, to this day i'm baffled to how the human brain works, The light bulb must of gone off in his head, { S**T i've forgot me leg}

Me and an ex went and stayed in a caravan once near the seaside, we went to the clubhouse and he got extremely drunk and was being so stupid I just let him get on with it. He then said he was going for a walk by then I was getting a bit peed off so I just said 'fine'. It got to about 4 in the morning and he still wasnt back at the caravan, my mate was about to go look for him when the door opened and there he stood with sand all over him and a cuts on his knees. He had fallen over the edge of the cliff (about 15ft) and had to walk up the beach till he could get back up again. I laughed my head off when he told me and he wouldnt speak to me all night. :-)

Well I'm embaressed to admit this but here goes,

A few years ago I was walking along with my Mum & my daughter when all of a sudden my Mum tripped and just went straight down on to her hands! well I just killed myself laughing and couldn't stop. There were shopping bags everywhere and my daughter who was about 3 at the time was trying to help her up and all I could do was laugh. Still to this day my Mum only has to mention it and I just can't help but burst into laughter!! My poor poor Mum, she finds it funny that I found it so funny, bless her. Actually re-reading that I feel a bit bad now but still can't help but laugh!

... just thought of another one...

My Dad, God rest his soul, wanted help with the Mini he had bought my sister as her first car. Well it wouldn't start so he was pushing it down the street, whilst I steered and tried to start it. Well I was watching him in the mirror awaiting his instructions to start the car, when he must have tripped and all I saw was him slide down the rear window, the expression on his face was priceless and then there he was laid on the road behind me! Needless to say I was laughing so hard I had to stop the car and we didn't get anywhere near sorting it out that day! He laughed about it later mind.

Next to the estate I live on is a huge factory that employs 1000's, the shifts finish at all hours of the day and often when I get on the bus at 7am to go to work people are getting on on their way home, knackered after a 12 hour shift. A lot of them have a nap on the bus (it always amazes me how they wake up a stop before they are due to get off but that's by the by) but a few days ago this lad had fallen into a deep sleep, sat upright, and was snoring loudly when he started drifting sideways until he was hanging with his head touching the floor in the aisle and still didn't wake! It made me giggle, but it always pretty embarrassing when you start laughing and you are sat on your own!!

Before I moved permanently to Wales, me, my other half, her brother , his girlfriend and my daughter had a great week in a caravan in the Black Mountains.

One day we found this pub tucked away in a quiet little village and stopped for something to eat. The pub was empty (which was surprising at the quality and quantity of the food we had) and after we'd finished eating, my daughter (aged 5 and three quarters), bored with adult conversation made her way over to the dartboard, where there was chalk and a blackboard and such like.

She climbed up on the bench and started doing 'sums' on the board, and then loudly announced that we were in school and she was the teacher. So we played along as she walked backwards and forwards on this bench writing out sums for us to do. (You know where is going don't you?!!) Sure enough, sure as 1+ 2 = 3, she forgot that the bench wasn't infinitely long and fell backwards onto her 'arris.

The four of us just erupted in laughter, the pup puppy ran across all excited and promptly wee'd on her, and the pub cat, sitting on the brother's girlfriend's lap, hissed, dug it's claws in and shot out the door.

Luckily, my daughter had damaged nothing more than her pride, and so, much to our surprise, promptly got back on the horse (so to speak)

Yep, two minutes later, she did it again!!!

And I always laugh when my bloke gets angry while driving or gets lost. I have to look out the window and keep my mouth shut :-) Especially when we got lost trying to find a travel lodge and he got stroppy then stopped to ask a policeman, obviously it was my fault because I hadnt got a map. Then after a while he drove into a multi storey car park and I said what we doing here and he shouted well we're here arent we!! I looked at the sign and he'd parked at Travel Inn and not Travel Lodge, and I had to get out and pay 80p for a ticket just to get out the place. :-)

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