I've had the BCG vaccination like most people of my age in the UK (I'm 30). With the resurgence of TB in the inner cities, is it physically possible to catch TB even if you have had the innoculation?
Isn't that the point of the innoculation? To stop you getting it? Unlike other innoculations like Tetanus, the BCG lasts a lifetime and will not need topped up
re above: But you haven't answered my question!!! Is it physically IMPOSSIBLE? Yes or no? So I could mingle amongst TB sufferers and not catch the infection then?
Docklands - please don't bite my head off too! Short answer is yes you can. Even if you have been vaccinated. I have been trying to get hold of some figures for you, but little is known about the success rate for vaccination. The main reason for this is that once you have had the BCG vaccination you may show positive on a TB skin test (as the bacteria used in the the vaccine is very similar to the TB bacterium) even if you are not infected The Department of Health (http://www.doh.gov.uk/greenbook/greenbookpdf/chapt er-32-layout.pdf)
quote figures of 70 - 80% effective and lasts at least 15 years. If you are worried, I suggest you start here: http://www.doh.gov.uk/cmo/progress/infdiseases/tub erculosis.htm
and don't panic.