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whiskeysheri | 14:17 Tue 18th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Do you find people judge you on your accent? x


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I don't know if they judge me but I am certainly guilty of not taking anyone serious with a Brum accent ......... I certainly know it is not the case but that accent makes them sound so thick!!!

Everyone judges. Its the way the world works. I refuse to believe anyone who doesn't prejudge. BUT.. its what we do with that judge that counts.. and how we turn it around.

Yesterday me and my friend were sat outside the pub, people watching. Its great fun and we make up stories for everyone and we saw a girl in a yellow velour tracksuit and she looked abit chavvy and I said to my friend she was going to a wedding and she was all dressed up and she was the bride! She had a baby in pushchair and the girl was only about 18 herself. Then we started to feel bad coz she could have been anyone and we were in hysterics.

But.. everyone judges.. Its human nature.

yes definately, i once went on a job interview, i was qualified in every way for this position. then the interviewer said my accent is too strong. i was so stunned i couldn't think to answer him until i got home.

I've got a black country accent which I can't decide whether or not its worse than a brummy accent.

I can disguise it when i have to like when im on the phone. But the worst is when you hear someone with a brummie/black country accent on the sounds awwwwful !!!!!! x

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Haha, your answer have made me laugh. My boyfriend and his family have all got brummie/ black country accents and I have to confess I thought they all sounded really thick when I first met them. Saying that, all his friends thought I was stuck up when they first met me because of my accent (I'm not 'posh' sounding at all!!) x
I can't listen to somebody speaking Scouse without joining in! It's just such a satisfying accent to speak! Geordie is pretty good too. My favourite Geordie words are:-

- Kawasaki
- Conjunctivitis
- Kodak Colour Gold


yes people do judge i come from stoke and wen i go away people think im from liverpool

Well what annoys me is people would not dream of saying when they heard someone speak "oh god you sound so common you sound like a right chav" but if you have a certain sort of accent as I have, which is RP then people sometimes copy you in a mock way and say "oh well I expect where you live you wouldn't have such things" or "oh how posh" etc. which sometimes can be a bit annoying as they prejudge you as being stuck up, which I am totally not.

when im with people i know like family/friends i end up talkin like this:

i cor go out, i ay got any dosh! tarar

translated into english means:

i can't go out, i have not got any money! goodbye

its dreadful aint it ay?!?

Definitely. I live in Birmingham, but grew up in Kent so have an RP accent. People here automatically assume I'm 'posh' just because I pronounce 'grass' with a long 'a' sound. Having said that, I'm glad that I haven't picked up the accent because I've lived here for 5 years and still can't stand it. It's the most comedy accent in the country (apologies to any Brummies!)
I'm Black Country/Brum. Why does everybody (PhilBy, Robbo82 etc, etc) hate my accent? It's classic!!!

Yes they do, I am a Cockney and proud of it, I also happen to like some opera,but when i mention that to people all i get is, Leave off, with your accent how can you like that!!!

I love all the accents in Britain it's great to have so much variety.

Yes I'm from Norfolk so I therfore drive a tractor :-)
Not really.I'm welsh and proud and i love my accent!

sithlord, I think our accent is very comical, and i can play it up or play it down depending on who im speaking to.

But as I mentioned earlier, I do feel like laughing when I hear our accent on tv, especially from general folk out doing their shopping etc and being interviewed for the news.


Brummies sound thick

Cockneys sound like dodgy dealers

Im a Geordie....whenever I see Geordies on telly like Jayne Middlemass, Ant & Dec etc....they all make us Geordies sound thick

Love Irish birds...they sound sexy as hell.

Also love latin birds accents,,,,,,coooooorrrrr

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