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Dr Salyikova | 12:26 Tue 25th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
89 Answers
Hello I an new to the AB and I would like to explain that I am a psyciatrist and GP I have decided that I would join the AB as I have been alarmed that people on this website are sometimes given untrue advice by other members . I do not think it is done out of nastiness but I felt I could offer an answer that users would know is true.


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Well just the chap I've been after, perfect:)

I'm a 45 year old male in good physical health, not overweight, no known problems. I suffered on two seperate occasions brain injuires as a child (approx 6 years old). The damage is principly to the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe and I have all of the usual signs of frontal lobe damage ( loss of temper, increased sex drive,some motor co-ordination issues , less so classic temporal symptoms but I do find some things hard to process. My question is I had TB Meningists a few years ago and had a shunt fitted.I'm fine now for all intents and purposes except that I find it incredibly difficult to sleep normally ( for longer than say 2 hours at a time and am exhausted the entire time and my temper, which has always been difficult to control, ( although I have managed it well for the past 8 or so years) is now fraying a lot more quickly and I am experiencing blindingly intense headaches/migraines.

My present Dr appears not to be taking any of this on board and just prescribes painkillers and tells me I'm stressed. No S**t Sherlock! Yes I am stresed because I can't get rid of these headaches and can't function because I can't sleep.

Any thoughts/suggestions would be very much appreciated.Thanks

Dear Dr. Salyikova,

Am I a loony-tic?

Yours twitchingly,


Sali, firstly you dont check out, but you know that.... secondly, please stay away from Milly, you've done enough damage.
hello dr salyikova are you there???
Well how strange - the good doctor seems tp have gone all quiet!!
Doctors always shut between 1 and 2 pm

Just a few thoughts:

1/ I believe that even someone with poor spelling is able to spell his own job title, especially if said job required years of studying and tons of diplomas.

2/ I thought people in the medical profession were condired quite busy, especially GPs. Maybe last time I went to see my GP, the reason for him giving a 2 and a half minutes appointment was that he was too busy posting poorly spelt advice on internet forums. I don't know.

3/ This is a website, which means it is faceless. Do you really believe we are going to take your word for it when you say you are a doctor ? Get real.

In the remote chance that you are for real, forgive my reluctance to believe you. I don't believe you are, but hey ! I suffer from an inherent inability to trust people, which I believe I acquired during my chaotic childhood which involved, amongst other things, my brother feeding me spiders while telling me they were sweets. Any thoughts on this ?

Give the good Dr a chance eh? I'm sure if he's genuine he'll be able to tell me all about my condition, especially about the post operative situation with the shunt I had fitted and how to deal with that. Of course if he's not genuine he won't have a clue what I'm talking I await your answer with baited breath Dr:)

Did you see this person posted an answer on Millies Q.

Please look and see what you think!!!

sounds a bit dodgy to me sniff sniff yes I can smell that smell too

hey senseforall,

Isnt the post on Millies the only other one that the Dr has posted? I hate to be so untrusting but if 122345, or any other nasty individual, wanted to continue the hurt originally it would be a simple way of getting a lot of people to trust and believe the GP claims.

HELLO!!! is there a Doctor in the house???
Now listen you lot I am a doctor,trust me!! whats your problem???, oh bye the way I only visit voluptuous females between the ages of 21 & 45, must be well endowed and do exactly as I say ,, Next patient pleeeease!!
sense4all - what was millies Q?
Hey maximo I wrok on teh rialwyas and ive gto tnos of dimploas LFOMA
they shud have called themself Dr Doolittle if they have the time to come on here during the break
Now why would a physchiatrist,who obviously earns loads of dosh,come on here and offer FREE advice!!
lol @ Elvis !!!
Hmmm, just gone and had a look at milly's thread, very odd posting for a Dr, however I'm still very eager to see what you have to say to me Dr, can't wait in fact.

dear dr i would like i very much if you would join the myspace for answerbankers. Just search for chatterbank and the address can be found there

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