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whiskeysheri | 23:20 Wed 26th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
107 Answers
Will anyone ever actually meet up? Do you want to? x


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Ok.. I know loads of ABers who have actually met up and who are actually in relationships. I have spoken to loads of ABers on the phone too and come close to meeting one of them. I think it would be cool to have an AB party.. but I know most of the old ABers.. all the CBers.. I have them all on msn anyway. Lol
I havent met anyone yet but I got most of the cbers on msn :) I have planned to meet a couple of peeps in the summer though so fingers crossed :)

can i meet up with sumone :o(

I have finally managed to download MSN at work!! Hooray. Feel free to add me those peeps that have it. [email protected]!!

Stylinsam how was your jog last night?

im depressed now nobody wants to meet me and im really quite nice!!!!

my jog was fine it was better than i thought it would be. i ran around this massive lake twice and now i feel all fit and energetic its brill. im going again 2morow

jog, miss a day, jog, miss a day.

that was what my bf was telling me last night.;o)

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I want to meet you loopy! I've always thought you were lovely.

No-one's telling me who they want to meet... x

your boyfriend is right!! not that I jog but that's what I've heard. Glad you had fun!

Loopy, I don't reckon no-one wants to meet you. I would cos you seem really nice and I like nice people :-)

Whiskey, I'd like to meet you, stylinsam, rubyrose and loopyc cos you all seem sooooo nice and friendly.

i wnat to meet whiskey,richie,4getmenot,loopyc,zeus,laurence,rubyrose,jennykins,pixi,raysparx

i cant think of anybody else will let you no if i think of anymore.

that was jennykins not jerykins
I think it�s highly unlikely that I will ever meet anybody from here.
ooo I forgot 4getmenot!! Defo adding her to my list

it would be nice meeting people BUT it is impossible because we all dont live in the same town and some of us dont even live in the same country.

oh yeah lets get a plane so we can go to the ab meeting.

would be fun but aint gonna happen we could all talk on the phone.

i think this is the longest post going. ;o)

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I'm meeting up with someone soon hopefully.

Woohoo, this is my longest thread, yay! x

Lets make it to a hundred!!!
I reckon we should meet at Mrs Eds house! She wont mind!!!! Although if she does SHE'LL HAVE TO REPLY TO ME!!!!!!!!!
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pmsl @ girly. She's sitting there smirking I reckon, hun- hee hee! x

I once sneaked into abeds monastry, boy you wont believe what they get up to in there lol

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