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numb arm

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andrewlee | 23:31 Thu 06th Feb 2003 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I sometimes wake up having squashed my arm and cut off the circulation. My arm is then lifeless for a few moments. Can this lead to any harm?


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I think it unlikely. There is almost certainly some blood getting to the muscles but not enough to be able to command them to act. Note that not only do most people experience something like this from time to time, but even severed limbs survive quite a long time of zero circulation. Perhaps someone particularly knowledgeable can enlighten us all.
Always good for a laugh. I remember the first time it happened, lying in bed, not realising my arm was dead, and thinking, 'oh dear God, what's the warm, heavy fleshy thing lying next to me..? Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhh!'


and it's always mad how heavy your own arm is when you have to lift it, I think.

Yes don't worry it happens to everyone at some time in their life. It won't cause any long term damage unless it happens every night over along period of time (years)
I once fell asleep on my face and woke up with 2 clammy lifeless hands under my chin. Both arms totally dead and cold. Bloody painful when I stopped panicking and managed to flap some life into them.
I suppose its the same thing as when you wake up, realise the ear you have on the pillow is numb, and just know that when you move its going to ache!
I think you're quite safe, no need to worry. I woke up one morning with my arm behind my head - dead fingers touched my face -I didn't realise they belonged to me and I screamed the place down!!
I remember this happened quite often when I was younger - teens, 20s and 30s. Nothing worse than waking up lying face down with two numb arms trapped beneath you! Very difficult to turn over but no long lasting effects I'm glad to say. Always painful as the circulation returns to normal.
Its bad when you get a dead leg and you wake up and try to walk. Instant falling over. Although it is pretty funny
I sometimes have this problem, but it was worse in the past when I smoked and also drank more heavily. I ended up slapping my dead arm to bring it back to life - quite a panicky feeling. 10 years on I still have the use of my arms ...

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