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*ALFIE* | 19:42 Fri 02nd Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
This is a serious question, for those who laugh can laugh but please don't answer. I would like to know, is it unhealthy for a guy to masturbate often? serious/sensible answers please. Also, does religious ethics play a part ?


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good god ALFIE you've posted a question like that HERE and you expect to get serious answers?? you're in for a bumpy ride... buckle up big boy
how often?
how often is often?
Makes you blind. So its quite unhealthy really.
My answer to question one : no, absolutely not. Unless you do it 50 times a day, in which case you will probably get a sore bit, and a very large forearm.
I'm afraid I don't understand how religous ethics could play a part in it being unhealthy. Care to explain ?
like me hellibobs tries to get to grips with the subject matter
get a girlfriend you idiot
Question Author
I know for a fact you won't go blind as its a well known old story. I am looking for answers in terms of general mens health or medical issues, not my personal problem. Religious ethics I am talking about people from other faiths performing this act as I have heard that in some faiths its not allowed.
Or at least a blow up sheep
Don't sugar coat your answer Bob tell it like it is.

Yes we need to know an exact figure, don't we dot?

well yes helli a ball park figure would be enough, can u enlarge on that Alfie?

and Bob he may get a girlfriend but she may be a nice girl who isn't easy;)

It must be healthy, it gives you a nice rosy glow!

Like maximo said, I don't think it's particularly unhealthy, unless you're doing it so much other parts of your life are suffering.

I know it is probably a facetiious question but the answer is NO. In fact I have read somewhere that regular ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Why did he get stars and I didn't? I was helpful!!!
no there are no health problems related to masturbation, though it can rob the body of important minerals - for instance did you know that in each ejactulation a man loses the whole daily recommended amount of zinc.

as an interest aside the complete lack of masturbation or sex can lead to some really quite serious problems for men, with various pipes etc getting clogged and requiring medical intervention to clear.

so i think medically masturbation can cause you no problems, however regarding your point about religious ethics - obviously if someone feels guilt and shame for masturbating then i believe this could have an impact of his mental state, though i believe the proper course of action would be to adjust your ethics rather than your behaviour.

What is wrong with you people? Someone asks a serious question in the appropriate section and most of you take thw pi$$?

I'm all for a bit of silliness, but it's not fair to also add the daftness to a genuine post.

*ALFIE* as you've probably gathered from the few serious replies you did get- no it isn't unhealthy for a man to masterbate often.

As for religious ethics- that all depends on your own personal views on the matter doesn't it?

what happens when you masturbate 5 times in a week?

A week_end!

It's very healthy to clean out your pipes. My hubby reckons it's even healthier to get someone to do it for you.

And maybe pass than zinc to a's good for her to have a regular intake..allegedly ;o)

Would you like salt on your zinc, Pippa

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