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*ALFIE* | 19:42 Fri 02nd Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
This is a serious question, for those who laugh can laugh but please don't answer. I would like to know, is it unhealthy for a guy to masturbate often? serious/sensible answers please. Also, does religious ethics play a part ?


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Well, that seems to have covered the medical aspect (ball park - snigger). As for religious beliefs, the only thing I can think of is the story of Onan in the Old Testament, who angered God by spilling his seed on the ground instead of knocking up his old lady.
Masturbation is perfectly normal and healthy.

There are two problems that can arise:

1. Guilt. If religion or upbringing make a person feel guilty or 'dirty' for masturbating he will not be happy. This can lead to depression.
As you see, this is not caused by the physical act of masturbation but the psychological guilt.

2. Fixation. A man may become so used to masturbation that he finds it difficult to ejaculate during sexual intercourse.
This could lead to feelings of frustration and inadequacy.

A relaxed attitude towards masturbation is healthy for the mind and body. :)

I have a feeling I heard somewhere that part of Roman Catholicism frowns upon it a bit for the same reason that contraception is frowned upon. Every sperm being a potential life and should not be 'wasted'. I think it must be the smallest minority of Roman Catholics who adhere to this principle. Apologies if I have represented Catholicism in any way!

*misrepresented of course. Sorry.
it can change your physical appearance too, as my two teenage boys look likr a pair of fiddler crabs at the moment

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