Could you take your index finger and use it to locate where your ribs meet in the middle, then travel downwards and see if you can feel an inch-long, gristly springy thing that points down. If you find one, could you tell me if you have ever noticed it before and possibly what it is? I went to the doctor and she told me it was a bone, but I have never noticed it before a few weeks ago, and I am sure it is growing. Is it normal? thanks
excuse me but am I or am I not dying here?!
Not, it would seem, however, all this talk of "Nobby's", "Johnny's", "Emma's" "Lucien's" or whatever you want to call them is rather stealing my thunder....
raysparx, it involves forming a loop at the base and pulling hard. It is obviously better if you can get a friend to do it for you, but most people are reluctant to bend over even for a close friend. Hence the gloves. It can be managed if you squat over a mirror. Obviously you'll have pulled the curtains as well.
sg, you are not dying, everybody has got a xiphisternum and it always hurts when it is pressed.
Thanks whiffey,have to be a good friend though, sorry sg,we are rude aren't we, but me old farmers are playing up a bit and whiffey is an expert pile plucker !!!!
You need a torch, because you won't be able to see too well with the curtains closed. Try to bounce the beam off the mirror directly onto the grapes. It's faintly erotic as a bonus.
Hey SG - I will look for that book thanks, I still use your "so many wooden limbs joke everytime the word pirate is mentioned rofl and I still laugh everytime :-)