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i have discovered after 25 years of intense research

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dot.hawkes | 00:31 Tue 04th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
71 Answers
that i have Russian ancestry, my options are:
1) embarrassing
2) limited
3) never ending.

go on, you decide.


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Question Author
keep goin i have all night and it is water off a ducks back mate, waste your pixels on me i dare ye
Dot - you're not trying to tell us you are the real anna or at least daughter of same - after all these years. Toss us a faberge egg.
not old enough sweetheart, but old and wise enough to know when questions on here are rude and inappropriate.
Question Author
oh no i ain't the anastasia bird peri, i can't sing fer toffee, but i love a bit of faberge tho but
Question Author
u read up a few weeks greenie and then get back here when your better informed and say that, but then, u ain't really a greenie are ye, so u know full well the historical references lol nice try sweetheart
boring boring boring. - i'll watch out for you and your arrogance. you'll prefer it if i steer clear of you in future no doubt.
Question Author
aha gave yourself away there with that comment, busted and unclever.
Question Author
and u ain't no bloke lol
Dear Dot,in all contimplation i sympathize with your dilema

dont get drawn down
Question Author
I ain't lowering myself baileys , no pockets in my shroud but someone may wake up with a crowd round them
she's just a ****
Question Author
I know, but doing so well, i give her 9 out of ten for the Trojan horse method, underused and undervalued on AB but a common occurance on CB
dot, the only connection you have with Russia, is the Vodka ;o)
Question Author
sssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh, pass the tonic water
Is that a shhhhhhhhssssssshhh for schweppes or a p!ssed shhhhhhssssssssssshhhhhhhhh?
-- answer removed --
Question Author
well WM I have to say i did once have a liaison with an SAS guy from Hereford, (he had been humping rocks over the Brecon Beacons for 2 days) and he proclaimed to be part Russian, but seriously, my ancestors were merchant class apparently and therefore rather well to do.
at least your not french, what could be worse than that?
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Elvis it is the former if u get the reference and the latter if u don't lol
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oooooo, now u mention it john...........

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