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i have discovered after 25 years of intense research

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dot.hawkes | 00:31 Tue 04th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
71 Answers
that i have Russian ancestry, my options are:
1) embarrassing
2) limited
3) never ending.

go on, you decide.


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hold on dot. that sounds like My ancestors!!!!!! are we related?
Question Author
oh and WM, my bloke wants to know nit u are any relation to Alan.
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oh i have no lamberts John, I have back to 1430 on me dad's, 1520 on my MUM'S, NO LAMBERTS. never mind
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Alan Minter WM!!!!!!!!! Doh
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oh are they welsh then
lambert is my username, (there are some nice chaps in Northern Ireland who would love to know my real name viz-a-viz former military service).
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Oh my God I cannot believe i said that! it is only that when i lived at RAF St Athan near cardiff the royal mint was at Tonysomething
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my maiden name was Broadhey, Robert De broadhey came over from Roscommon in 1430 to Chester City, i have the direct line down to my dad.
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look You, i have been by there, it is Llantrisant isn't it?
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****** am i being racist again? And my son is Welsh by birth too, lol
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his name`s Andrew WM
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AWWW, I 'met' some lovely welshmen WM, he was called Colin and i nicknamed him Fyffe

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i have discovered after 25 years of intense research

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