Yes I agree with Steviep. If you are contemplating taking things a step further with this other man , make sure it's what you REALLY want because there will be no going back after you have made that decision. Personally , I feel that trust is a key issue in any relationship and once it's gone , it's gone. If my hubby ever cheated on me , I would like to think that in time I could possibly forgive him for betraying me - if not for my sake , for the sake of our three kids and the fact that we have been together for over 11 years but deep down , I don't think that I really could , or if I did , I know in my heart of hearts that I would never look at him the same way because I would always think of him with 'her'. I don't want to sound like a prophet of doom but if you are thinking of turning a fantasy into reality , then i think that you are sailing into dangerous waters. Obviously I don't know you or anything about your relationship or this other man - only you do but I would think about whether your relationship is maybe just going through a bad patch and in need of a lift or whether it has run it's course and it's time to call it a day. If you do decide to walk away , I would make sure that you have really thought it through and that you can be sure that your feelings are reciprocated. Does the other man feel the same way ? Either way , this is a warning sign. If you have strong feelings for someone else. Something is obviously wrong but the question is , do you stay with your current relationship or walk away ? Only you know the answer to that x