The perfection of the caffeine dialysis enema came with research into its mechanism.
The alkaloid, caffeine, dilates the bile ducts throughout the liver.
All the clogged channels filled with toxins that force incoming toxins to continue to re-circulate causing pain, are instead, emptied rapidly.
The newly arrived toxins, especially those molecules that trigger pain response, then make it right through to the outer world non-stop.
The fat-reducing digestive bile fluid generated in the liver that is crucial to the detox process is discharged out of the body on its first use rather than being taken back in from the colon and re-used up to 9 times as is normal. Toxic material is prevented from recirculating. This is the bottom line to detoxification- where all forms of detox efforts ultimately fail to avoid the Herxheimer Effect- the traffic jam blues (can be fatal).
I have copy and pasted the above. I am of the firm belief that nothing - nothing - should be forced into the rectum unless absolutely necessary for medical reasons.