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Do men always want just one thing?

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girlylesbian | 15:07 Tue 11th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
95 Answers
Do men always want just one thing? Someone I know has been talking to a very rich man and this man has offered to take her to lots of lovely places and give her loads of gifts.He says on the phone that he just wants her to be his friend but she is very pretty and he has seen a picture of her.So what I was wondering.Could he be being honest?Or is it just a rich man trying to sleep with a lesbian ? It would be a shame for her to miss out on so much just because she THINKS he might be dishonest and if she does not want to sleep with him she can just say so and he will have to put up with it.


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Told you it's whiffey,making out he's a lesbian,ignore this cretin !!!!!
Im sure theyre using each other and will both get what they deserve in time.
The other day you denied being the russian,what a crock of sh!te you are !!!!!
I wish Ward~Minter was here with one of his torture/death methods.
oh yes, we can only hope he pops by soon pippa.

There is more than one way to kill a cat than stuffing it's arse with cream !!!!!
Never mind ray ~ hopefully she will meet up with one of the poor sods who is fixated with the fake pic. They will collapse in horror, and once conciousness is regained they will shoot the lying scumbag.
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It is not whiffey it is SR.You see I always tell the truth of my real identity sooner or later.Anyway what I said this time was true there is no denying that a rich men wants to take me to New York and buy me loads of clothes.But I am confused if he is honest or not and I do not want to end up being raped!!!!!!!!!!!
must be having probs logging on under multiple names-whiffey's usually here to rush to the twisted ones defence by now!
Look we all know she is SR and numerous others so unless we gonn answer the question lets leave this now before she shows off about getting loads of replies again.
If you're worried don't go... end of.
hopefully raped and left for dead in a ditch somewhere.
w~m is rock climbing and back soon.
what???? you don't want to end up being raped, but you'll happily give out phone number on chat forums and meet random men? funny way of protecting yourself..
as i said before. If you go with this guy to NY then you take the consequences.
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He has already met me and for once I agree with 4getmenot.The proof is in the link a guy wants to take me to New York end of but I have asked a serious question.I want to know your opinion.He is a very well educated guy with a good job and I just wanted to know if you thought it was safe for me to go.
My nan used to say women like this always ended up 'dead in a ditch' or 'washed up on the beach'.

One day your lies are gonna end up getting you in much deeper **** thatn you will ever imagine, dear.
A pineapple stuffed up the chuffer stops most antics,might make you bandy though, If off can' be doing with this **** **** !!! goodbye all you normal people ,
I missed a vital part in this it still pregnant or not?
speaking off well educated men, you ever heard of Harold Shipman?
we gave you our opinions and yet you continue with your stories about how youve met him already and how rich he is and how he wants to take you to NY.
Its obvious you wont listen to anyone so I would have no sympathy for you if he did try it on to be honest.
tell him you just want to be friends and dont want to accept his gifts. If hes a true friend then he'd accept that. if you werent just a gold digger youd say it to him.
anyway, buy your own tickets to NY, daddy can afford it.

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Do men always want just one thing?

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