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skin and bone or curvacous ?

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Neenee | 00:41 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
49 Answers
to all you lads out there.... what do you prefer and why.... skin and bone or curvacous women?


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I don't know where this myth comes from that all guys like skinny girls. I've always said that I like a little something i can grab hold of, where's the fun in having sex with a twiglet? Most guys I know seem to agree.
there you go lasses. us blokes all agree. bony arms and legs are nasty. sticky out ribs are disgusting.
if you want to be loved, be a salad dodger. pies are good!!!!
Wouldn't be keen on skin & bone, but given a choice between slim or overweight then slim gets my vote :)
YAAAY - Curvy girls rule!!!

I'm a 12 too but got curvy hips - kinda pear shaped - but curves in the right places!!

A xXx
curves,curves glouious curves
nothing quite like them for warming the .......
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uk bloke, you still dreaming there??? LOL
lol..what else is a bloke suppose to do at this time in the morning but dream :)
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what exactly is keeping you up this late then?
boredom lol...nah,i just a bit of a night owl
Wouldn't it be nice if these answers somehow came to the attention of the supposed "experts" in the fashion industry who keep insisting on foisting Kate Moss and other twigs on us, thereby turning young girls who see them as role models into anorexics, and also those women's mags that constantly try to make women feel bad about themselves?

Just a thought.
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sounds like you need some entertaining!! lol
Well, maybe not UKBloke's answers... ;-)
so true..but since when have "experts" ever listened to the opinions of the public
hey whats wrong with my answers lol ;)
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your right, little old me....

as someone said earlier in this thread.... womens perceptions are that men like them skinny..... and yet here we have the proof of the pudding!!!!!

Im one very happy curvacous girl tonight!! ;-)
Just gald us blokes could put a smile on your face.
And remember CURVES RULE.
There is nothing worse than cuddling up to a boney bird, I like to feel flesh not bones, they can be very uncomfortable indeed. give me bigger birds anytime!!
Why one or the other?!

On balance I'd say curvy but in recent years I've grown to love what I call the "boyish" look - which is a sort of straight-down figure, small breasts, all the better if the hair's short too (and even EVEN better if it's red). But it's not "skin and bone" necessarily, there is a difference.

I'm amazed that Cat Deeley-obsessed bloke hasn't fetched up yet, with his image gallery links full of rotten pics and his "look no further" and "case proven" remarks.
Curvey please
By the way, how is it that women persist with this "men prefer skinny" notion when every single time it comes up for discussion, or is featured in an article etc, the men overwhelmingly go for curvy? This same old exchange goes on and on... How can the message not have got through yet?

I think sometimes the women aren't necessarily aspiring to the Victoria Beckham look specifically because they think men like it - rather, that they simply think it's good to look like that anyway. Either way, they need to lose this ludicrous notion, even if it means having it shocked out of them with electrodes attached to their heads.

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