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fridge tempertures

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jojo100 | 21:55 Tue 25th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
how many people remember to turn the temperture knob on they fridgefreezers for summer...i always do, just thought others might not.


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Didn't know I had one ... I'll have to check ...
Why should I need to?

Both my fridge and freezer maintain the same temperature all year round.

My fridge is set at 4 degrees and my freezer at -22.

The thermometer in the fridge rarely varies.
I have mine turned on to the correct temprature summer and winter, no need to vary it as Ethel says!
Yes - why do people think the fridge need to be cooler in summer? As Ethel says, the temperature will be the same inside the fridge, whatever the temperature outside.
personally, I don't have a temp setting on the fridge, just a 'coolness' setting, which needs to be adjusted in hotter weather in order to maintain the same temp in the fridge.

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