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silly surnames

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violetblue | 13:09 Thu 03rd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
45 Answers
This is addressed mainly to people who have worked in places where they have come across a lot of customers' surnames: what's the funniest surname you can remember? i remember a Mr Lavatory and also a Mrs Younghusband, when I was working in a call centre.


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I was in the doctors waiting room when the rather grumpy receptionist called for Mr Pratt. She got no answer, so kept saying the name over and over again. A young lad and I tried to stifle out giggles until we looked at each other and then fell about laughing.
there's actually someone out there called bilbo baggins??
surname Miss Curtain...................first name Annette
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Our school head was called Mr. Bainton. We all called him Master Bainton.
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luke skywalker. *shakes head*
phil mckracken, and of course the famous mr hunt, whose first name is mike.
My brother was taught by a lecturer at college whos name was Mr [email protected] promounced vanke.....yes of course its pronounced that way
My least favourite customer is Arrogant Bstrd. Seems to get around because no end of people say he comes into their workplace.
One of my brothers school mates was called Drew Peabottom, and another was Paul Lett, both had rotten childhoods. Parents can be so mean!
I used to know a lady called Mrs Gotobed
I used to work with a woman called Mary Mee !
I used to work for the water company and my boss was called Miss Drinkwater. I also had a letter from the Passport Office the other day apologising for a delay on my new passport signed.... Mr A Tortoise!!!!!!
My old boss was called Bob Onions! I used to make little men out of onions and hide them everywhere
OOhh!! I'm one of ten people with my name in the uk! my brother is unique!
Hi violetblue , One our cleaners was called mustafa fanny, it was a big joke in our office, we needed some bank details off him the once but noone could ring up without laughing.
I used to know a girl names Serena Leotard! Honest! (she was French). I also know of someone with the surname Balls.
worked in Benefits Agency few years ago and had claimants Wayne Kerr [he eventually changed his name] and Dwayne Pipe.

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