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oopsy - 56 responses!

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paulakea | 16:20 Tue 08th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
60 Answers
Thank you all for your comments on my post below, thats some response eh!!
thanks to all that helped :-) you know who you are xx


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lol - dont worry bout it!!! :-)
You may be thanking people but we aren�t being nasty or insulting we are just giving advice and pippa was just trying to help saying to pop it on the end of your question, also people that have posted are more likely to see it there. I think it is more insulting when we have all took the time and effort to give advice like you asked and you single people out and thank just them. All the abers that answered your post are nice genuine people when I've come across them.
ur more than welcome paula huni
I wasn't suggesting paula was a troll. it's just when trolls are in groups everyone gets a bit twitchy when they encounter a new poster. it's a shame really, I've seen them disrupt some very good sites, even get some closed down.

I don't think I made any 'snide' remarks. Snide remarks indicates being deliberately nasty for the sake of it ~ and if you know me, you will gather that I don't do that at all. I judge each post by it's merits & give my honest opinion.

In the past I have slated the Russian beyond extreme. But Maria/Svetlana or whatever she is know as has always said she has 'liked me' as I have offered her advice & my opinion when sensible posts have been submitted.

No doubt if paulakea posts another thread about something else, I may agree with her. It just so happens in the one I posted on I did not.
yes but the whole trust issue with her and her bloke claireyfairy obviously stems from that, If it had to do with now then why put my boyfriend slept with his sister in law, what happened 3 years ago was part of the question.
Same here pippa, I dont like when people give some 3 stars and others non because they didnt agree with them. We just said what we thought, and if she thinks thats a snide remark she hasnt seen some of the ones to the russian.
Well there you go, 4getmenot ~ you just can't win with some people...ho hum!

Mind you, I did forget to say to paulakea..

A big welcome to AB ~ it is good here, honest :o)
yer I know maybe I would think twice if I'd put something a bit different to what others had, but more than half said exactly the same that they wouldnt have gone back to him.
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Ok hun i get your point no need to keep saying it :-) x
the question of trust had nothing to do with them cheating on other people to be together it was that he slept with his sister-in-law and a child could be the result and they are still spending time together. Like someone who stays in touch with an ex and spends time with them, they may never have cheated and never intend to cheat but the trust issue is still there cos there has been history and the majority of people, including the sister-in-law in this case cannot move on and always think the spark would still be there if they made a move.
then she didnt need to even tell us about them cheating on eachother. And paulakea maybe a thank you would do nicely now :-)
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i keep saying thank you to you !!! :-) xxxxxxxxx
Is it my imagination or are some people in a bad mood today??
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dont know why tho - crazy innit!!!!
:-) xx
not a bad mood just in pain!!!

I broke my little toe about 10 weeks ago and all back to normal until this afternoon, when I walked into the leg of my metal desk and smashed the bl**dy thing again! :o(
Like who pinkfizz? because me and you have had a laugh on your other post. Do you want to name names?
Ah didnt spot the thank you's but maybe the main post was including me and pippa. glad we helped :-)
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awww poor mazie thats an excuse for time off work tho surely!!
i poorly too - not nice is it :-(
lol..i dont think so paula, I work for myself so no such luxury as time don't half hurt though

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