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Women pissing standing up

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luckyeight | 19:23 Sat 12th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
31 Answers
Why was my question about women ******* standing up banned?


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did you use the word 'urinating' or ******* ?
it probably offended someone
oh! I see, unless you didnt mean urinating. please insert 7 letter word to change meaning! I ca think of at least 2 others that would get banned!
I offended loads of people last night on the great tattoo debate. But I did it with a bit of humour.
lol now youve mentioned it what was your question? when i first read it quick i thought it ment it was banned for women to p*ss standing up hah
I would say that the 'questions' you are asking give rise to some doubt as to your motive.

We are not fools (ok I am lol).

You are coming over as a prat, will that do better ?
who said whiffey was a fool ? come on own up
wasn't me
crete, I did !!!

lol, pmsl, xxx, etc :)
what is it all about i ask you ,
what is pmsl ? im not joking for once
Question Author
Oh. Are ppl really offended by the word '****?'
did the thread offend you dot?
oh oh !
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whiffey - some doubt as to my motive? What do you mean? Why do I sound like a prat for askin that question?
but the offending word is still in the title of the question, funny eh.
Oh come on ********, look at your last two 'questions' !!

You sound like a prat, pure and simple, and not at all clever or witty. Just a prat.

luckyeight missed your last two questions what were they ?
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whiffey - you don't like my questions then don't answer them... what's your problem? Why do you think I'm trying to sound clever or witty? I just got questions to ask. That's all. If you don't like me/my questions then **** off off this thread! :)
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crete - pssn myself laughing. (for the abbreviation)
My last 2 questions are about blood on the floor of the hall and big brother (I think) or maybe hung meat.- or maybe about voices that have been affected by cigarettes - I have asked a lot of questions. Clearly my motive is in question. !?
luckyeight - tough !!

I will answer on any thread that I wish to.

It's for you to cope with that, not for me.

You don't have questions to ask at all. We're not that stupid ! (oh well apart from me)

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Women pissing standing up

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