my wife has just told me i have the biggest big toe she has seen its 2 inches long. what a weird comment from her, she then said big toes means big feet which then means ...................................................................................................................................................big
......Big feet. Also you need to fill the bath deeper in order to cover them, a waste of water. You are a walking environmental threat, a direct contributor to global warming.
mnko, maybe it's just me being weird but, you mentioned earlier on about being together for 5 years (I think)
and you've only just got round to showing her your feet? :o/
I wouldn't worry too much, everyone has something not so cute about their feet, I seem to have what can only be described as 'square toes' they're pretty much equal in length and no bumpy knuckle bits.
Great for standing closer to the sink!!
hate to disappoint you but both my big toes are 2 inches long, the rest are long toes too. and i'm female and take a size 5 shoe.............................
aah the toe thong mnko? not a very attractive look if you have enormous toes :oP
I'm just trying to picture your feet mel, If your toes are roughly 2 inches long and you take a size 5 ... hehe, I can just see hands! looong toes on a little diddy foot!
Sorry, just kidding you on! :o)