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Embarrassing problem...

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pokane | 16:09 Tue 15th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
I think im shooting blanks! My sperm are not doing there job properly. i recently had unprotected sex with my girlfriend and she had to get the morning after pill but she was told that if she had of been pregnant she would of got her period. She still hasn't got her period and it had been over a week, im now worried that my sperm are infertile. how wotuld i find this out?


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If she had have been pregnant she would have got her period, what doctor does she see????
are you trying to say that she was told that the morning after pill would bring her period on earlier? If you are then that is incorrect information. Is her period late going by her usual cycle? If it is then get her to take a pregnancy test.

Plus if you are not sure if you are infertile or not why the hell are you having unprotected sex and using the morning after pill as a contraception?
if she is pregnant then you are not shooting blanks are you ?
Having unprotected sex once does not mean she will be pregnant, some people have to try for years to get pregnant.

A bit early to be worrying about your sperm!!
Maybe troll sex dosn't work the same as human.
As to how it works....

The emergency contraceptive/morning-after pill has three possible ways in which it can work (as does the regular birth control pill):

Ovulation is inhibited, meaning the egg will not be released;

The normal menstrual cycle is altered, delaying ovulation;

It can irritate the lining of the uterus so that if the first and second actions fail, and the woman does become pregnant, the human being created will die before he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus.
In other words, if the third action occurs, her body rejects the living human embryo, and the child will die. This result is a chemical abortion. (Abortion is an act of direct killing that takes the life of a living preborn human being�a life that begins at fertilization.)

So it may be that her taking the pill has delayed her period anyway.

As to finding out for certain if you're firing blanks, see your GP. If he or she is concerned, they can probably arrange a test.
I'm bit out of touch on troll probs on here so IF this is a serious question, my response is 'good god almighty', is there ANY sex education is schools? If you haven't got the first clue about sex-don't do it!! We don't need stooopid people reproducing.
Having thought about it, I don't see how the conclusion that you're firing blanks can be drawn.

The morning after pill will affect an egg whether it's been fertalised by a sperm or not. So whether your sperm are alive and kicking or not is academic.

So, my intial thought still stands - it's her taking the pill that's causing the delayed period. not you.
^^^^ Name of the week, adore that word....."chuffing"
If I understand correctly what he's getting at: pokanes girlfriend was told that if she had of been pregnant then taking the morning after pill would have terminated it and cause a period. Going along those tlines since she hasn't had a period it means that she was not pregnant from this encounter and therefore he must be shooting blanks.

It's not as simple as that -pregnancy doesn't happen after every unprotected encounter, some people try for months or years until it happens. I wouldn't worry.
i love this word but they wont let me post it although it is not rude FE-KLESS.
asteroid, no period could also mean that pill didnt work and that she is pregnant.
Thats true Redcrx. Then pokane has a whole set of other worries....
Aaaah yes, but at least he will know that he is not firing blanks :-)
Aha, problem solved larkin. perhaps they should have unprotected sex until they are certain hes not firing blanks because shes pregnant. :)
Brilliant redcrx ;-D, by jove I thiink you may have cracked it !
I got lost ages ago....
Well yes, 4getmenot, I can understand why .....because I too was under the conception (ha ha geddit?) that if you were pregnant you usually had no periods. Does beggar the question you asked in your first posting !!
Who on earth told her that if she was pregnant the pill would have brought on a period? Complete rubbish! A period will arrive eventually if she is not pregnant (but will most likely be delayed due to the nature of the hormones in the tablets)! The morning after pill will not abort a foetus and bring on a period as suggested!

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