I have an embarrassing problem but here goes.... I have been pooping a lot more than usual recently. Four or five times a day. I haven't been eating or drinking any more than usual. I have been a little headachy of late as well. Any ideas?
Any unexplained change of bowel habit should be checked with your GP especially if it persists more than a few days and can't be put down to something like a bug or eating something bad.
Have you changed your diet at all, especially with it being the Christmas period as people often eat things they don't often eat at other times of the year and some things aren't as digestible as others.
You do not say how long you have been suffering from change of bowel habits. Seems much too early to make any diagnosis although your friend dying may offer a clue.
Ther is no diagnostic test for IBS and it is diagnosed only by exclusion after complete GI investigations.
Depending upon the length of time of ypur symptoms will depend upon whether or not yopu will need medical advice.