Does anyone enjoy going to work, or do you really really hate your job, or the people you work with? And what jobs do ABers do? I do secretarial work, and as a temp I move about to different offices, so if I don't like one particular place where I work, I know I won't be there long ! I have had some good jobs too though, like working at a TV studio.
There was an article in the paper the other day (so it must be true) saying that a survey had put admin jobs as having the highest boredom factor, with teaching the lowest, of the different jobs surveyed.
I love going to work, I'm in education and although I'd gladly leave where I am just now, I couldn't just give up, I need to work otherwise I'd be banging my head against every wall in the house. - as I said in an earlier thread - two weeks till School starts again.. whoo hoooo!
Love my job, i,m a train driver and a H&S representative, combining them togeather, i get approx 9 months of a year through rest days holidays union meeting etc, plus the money is very good
Hate loathe and detest my job because I have to work with the most annoying, incompetent, patronising and downright nasty manager. Scour the listings for other jobs constantly and cannot wait to escape!
I'm about to get made redundant, or at least that's how it feels. I've been a full time mum for the last four and a half years and both my girls start school on monday. :(
i work in retail in the warehouse, work with a loveley bunch of girls in fact the whole shop is great, been there 8 years and cant see myself wanting to leave, i count myself very lucky when you hear so many stories of bad places to work.
I've got the best boss in the world. I can have time-off when I want. He doesn't mind when i'm late. I can take 2hr lunches, finish early etc. You've guessed it i'm self employed.