It depends what you mean by smart. Men are craftier at getting everything done for them and leanding jobs on better money becuase they ar egood at the old bulls**t. women however know this, and are the stronger of the two sexes
Well its bad too stereo-type but I guess men have the upper hand in putting it to use. I mean most of the high possitionjobs and CEO's e.t.c. are mor often than not men(not all obviously) but then it comes down to the individual really.
Ok Laurence I was having a mad 5 minutes there, I apologised straight after and requested that it be removed, and im sure you've done something stupid and irrational before, right?
Only a female could ask such a question. The smarter sex do not need to ask such a question. It is not a question in the male mind as we know we are smarter.