I have just been unceremoniously evicted from a relationship that I thought I didn't care about, amazingly I did. I feel sick, really sick and shakey. Plus it was a pointless thing to have had an argument over, but hey, we have and its over.
Briar, you know, it sounds to me like your boyfriend WAS meeting other girls and he feels guilty and didnt know how to react when you confronted him about it, so he decided to put the blame on you and be a chicken $h!T. Im a bloke and I can tell that he was seeing other women, because if he wasnt, he wouldnt make such a big fuss about it. So you are better off on your own anyway....go out and have a little boogey with your friends :o)
I still don't know what I feel, but do know that this weekend will be a wild one! being with him never stopped me going out, so being without him just means that when someone (that I like) tries to kiss me I won't push them away.
I do wonder filthiestfis if I got close to the mark with what I text him and he didn't know how to react - so became unreasonable. If thats the case I am better off without him. I would love someone to love me and just me - not me and 20 other people.
So anyone up for some fun this weekend? :-)
Word to everyone - don't be a rock - don't act like its ok for them to tell you about their wives - its not!!!
Briar, it sounds to me like this guy has issues of his own/hasn't yet got over his ex wife/ isn't quite ready for a new relationship and ceased upon the opportunity to dump you. Being blunt it sounds like you would be better off without him. No one needs a relationship where their partner doesn't treat them well and make them feel special/valued/needed/loved so move on girl. You might feel like crap today but this time next week it won't feel nearly as bad and the week after that even less so, i promise you that. Be happy. bigs hugs x x
I wish people could come - hey and as I am feeling poo does anyone fancy a up beat chat on msn - I know there was a thread earlier about not going on msn etc etc... but I want some fun chat!
I won't put my address up just yet as don't want to sound desperate ... but I am lol!
you can add me briar. I'm at work at mo and can't do msn, but I'm my name at that hot place .co.uk
and we can b1tch about men sometime!
I do have quite a hectic weekend planned, but enjoy yourself and get snogging!
Wow slow down girls... lets not hit each other... Briar has been s*** on and could do with support not snipeing at one another.
Sounds like he wasn't genuine from the off hun... I know it's easy to say but put it down as a lesson learn't and just know that you are worth better than a shallow lying man that isn't mature enough to move on or be honest.
to be honest, you have said a few times that you thought you didn't care about this relationship - so how can you blame him for trying to find someone who does?
he probably knows and has always known that you don't give a toss - so why should he give a toss about you?
i think its pretty selfish to keep a bloke with you just for the hell of it, when you don't really care about him.
you thought you held all the cards - and now you don't and so you are shaken
sounds like both of you are better of without each other
I thought I didn't care, but I never gave the impression I didn't care - I was there when he needed me and would listen to everything he said. However, I did care.
I never thought I was holding the card as you say, in fact I was waiting for him to tell me he was going back to his wife.
However, you are entitled to your opinion, thanks for sharing it.
sounds to me like he wants to do as he pleases, but you cant let him know how your feelin. If all is so innocent why did he go off on one? Give yourselves time to cool down - let him contact you, and make sure he says sorry. Dont feel rubbish tho, if its meant to be it will be!!
when i say cant show how your feelin - i mean its looks like its ok for him to tell you bout wife but not for you to let him know how you feel. Not that you must hide feelings. Does anyone get what im tryin to say???