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sandrajo | 21:52 Mon 18th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
31 Answers
Do you role-play online?


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Bet he has lily!!!
Okay it might just catch on. Lets all try and say "tough Poopy" at least once tomorrow.x
I was being polite, it is normally Hard S--t, but "tough poopy" has a ring of breeding about it,don't you think ?

Good evening electric my dear, trust you are well, wanna shag ?
ray, im delighted to say you never fail to make me spray beer all over my monitor.
that was truly a laugh out loud moment. i thank thee sirrah!
I really fancy electric, and she knows it, she is what her name says, are you not working tonight stevie ?
i have been virtually solid at work for two weeks. finished this evening and am now off until thursday. bliss.
enjoy it stevie, don't wear yourself out with work my friend, it will still be there long after we go.

sorry sandrajo, but I haven't spoken to stevie for ages, xx
I am off to beddy byes now, nite,nite all xx
goodnight raymond my good man.
na, i just try to be normal but i always come across as being a jerk...talking about role play, did anyone see the programme on 5 tonight about guys who are obsessed with their rubber dolls....i mean taking them out to the shops and buying them clothes and stuff...and dont even talk about the 'add-on's'..brilliant....sad though!
Has anyone read the book The Cay????!!!

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