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Fight or flight

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Headless Rat | 16:10 Thu 21st Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
1 Answers
If ye really like someone but now ye dont live near them anymore...should you keep in contact from time to time to let them know that you're still alive they won't forget you?or should you have no contact at all so that the next time you see them (weeks or even months later) they'll realise how much time has passed and how much they miss you?Basically whats the best strategy for getting someone back if it's impossible for you to "casually" bump into them everyday etc?What works?!


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Hmm. Well I fell for a guy as most folk on here know when I was in Australia earlier this year travelling on a gap year, but we split up when it was time for me to leave Oz. We were really into each other, but I didnt want to live in Oz and he didnt want to live in the UK, family stuff etc, so we just split up. No contact, although we said we would phone but he hasnt or neither have I. Still think about him occasionally as he was really special but no point looking back. Nothing good ever comes from living in the past methinks. Soz if its not what you want to hear though ! :O)

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Fight or flight

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