Sorry guys... my mate told me he woke up with an itchy bum hole this morning about 1cm in and had to scratch it with a cotton bud... at first i laughed then thought that it may be something more serious. He's only 30 and never had any kind of problems or std's before.
Also, he says it only happens now and again but it drives him nuts. It only lasts for about 10 mins or so but comes and goes.
I thought it may be sweat but he gets a shower every morning so he's not dirty.
If he hasn`t got worms and it is only happening now and again, it could be related to food. Spicy food can account for this. Has he had a curry or something similar the night before.
Hate to say it, sounds like worms. You can actually see them if he takes a mirrow to the offending area.....(nice) and has a look, preferably a magnified one, he may see them, small wriggly white things, that's what makes them itch. If he can't see anything then it is probably something else as mentioned here.
to beb fair crete if it had a question to it I think it would be a good one and looks like they are new. But I am getting bored of other ones. Sorry to intrude on you post blue chang. :-)
Hello Blue Chang.. Everybody is on the right track with the worm idea.. but it if is not, Ask your friend if he eats white bread.... White bread can give "butt itch" because it acts as a glue in your body. It can also give people heart burn, diarrhea, vaginal problems like thrush and not only give your butt the "itch" but it can also bung it up not alowing your poop to come out very easy. Good luck hope one of us could help... and I hope you all stop eating white bread if any of you eat it !! hahaha XX Jen
Yep, they like to find cosy dark places to sleep AND ....AND... (OMG, I dont believe it < in best vickie pollard voice>) ....they eat worms .
Jeees. I shoulda been a doctor .....
Its a hedgehog !
a friend of mine had very similar symptoms and discovered they had worms....
very irritating and fogive me for saying this, but they used to squeeze them!! yeah you heard right, it was the same a squeezing a zit... apparantly!!!!!
i know its disgusting....they cut down on lots of sugary foods.. and stopped addind sugar to cereal and tea and coffee which was drunk very heavily during work.