Part of the problem is people not taking responsibility for their own actions. I don't begrudge handing over a percentage of my hard earned income to support those that really need it, I also appreciate anyone who can raise a child (well).
I have worked at a lot of homes where there are singles or couples, who decide not to work becuse it's easier not to, F and blind in front of their SPROGS, tatoos everywhere, FAGS, FAGS and more FAGS, they always have the latest gadgets, they are the first to have Dvd players, new computers, Ipods, the latest mobiles flat screen TVs, their houses are always a complete dirty 5hit tip, central heating on full blast full time, and they look at me like the've trodden in something horrible and they never say please or thank you. These are the people that make people like me soooooooooo mad.