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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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what am I meant to do if 2 turtles fe*k off to Vegas????

sorry spk, i can book you a flight from bonnie scotland if you like and you can meet us??
We'll come across to Ireland and pick u up before we fly silly billy!!!

Yeah i'll pick up a school uniform whilst im in Bond Street too!!! xxxx
ooopppss - i meant Scotland.....?!
naturally nat I insist!!!! (well Im nat taking you lot to vegas for nothing) *evil laugh*
lmao...that seemed really pervy! (as intended obviously)

Anyway Heros - have a great evening - hopefully i wont be too hungover to type tomorrow.

Much Love xxxxxxxxxxxx
Ill pick you up im a mo peeps, love you all x x x x x x
Morning Homies!!!!!

How are you all, at the end of this wonderfully QUICK week. Seemed like only yesterday i was livin it up large in Electric Ballroom!!

I clipped my car on a scaffolding lorry :( hopefully it wont cost too much to fix....anyways MORININ NAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, MORNIN TURTLES
awww was on that on ur way to work?
Whats the damage?
the bumper is cracked but nothing much else.....
Oh well - couldve been worse.
Your fault or his?
well, kinda, sorts mine :( I was rushing and he braked pretty fast, luckily there was no damage to his lorry. , so did you have a good night??
awww bless ya hunni - at least ur alright.

My night was ok - just planning our trip to Cancun so it was kinda funny.

Dont feel too rough today - just a bit shattered - so glad its Friday!

What u got planned for the weekend?

Spk - luvly i hope ur not working again!!!!
well sunday ive got the clap pidgeon shooting and a mexican restaurant, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol - clay pigeon shooting.....not often i know someone that does been before?

I love a mexican!!! Chicken fajitas!!!! yummmy!!!!!
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well ive done it once b4, its great fun, and mexican is the best, bring on the margartias!!
Yes mmmm...lovely! Andi love a Corona - we go to this Mexican in Covent Gardens which is fantabulous!!! Get buckets of Corna on ice.....mmmmmmm
cowabunga dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

turtle power woooooooo hoooooooooo ;~d

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