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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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casey jones (fms) is our new side kick, he was the bloke in turtles with the hockey mask and the golf bag.....
I know what fms looks like....:oP
Ohhhhh yeh ( lightbulb flashes on )
Tell us. We know what YOU look like Nat !
yea nat is fit (and I think spk is to...)
nat is very foxy lady and ad you are hot yerself I can feel it in my water. Its difficult for us being so perfect innit
I think we're generally just a fit and foxy bunch of people.

fms is fit and foxy too (spk - he's a fireman!!!) !
how do you know so much nat?!?!??!
*spk flutters her eyelashes Purrr mew *

A fireman ehh. I had some loins that were burning last night....
Im just really intelligent.......

(no honestly...i speak to him on msn :O) hehehehe
I need to get myself on that msn bad boy I get a laptop in december will be on it then :O)
*admarlow feels left out, he wont be about in December*
wooo hoo - nice one spk.

awwww addy...:O( We'll never forget you - sure we cant tempt you to stay...?
ha ha it would have to be something pretty tempting, i will drop in to old ab from now and then and we are going to have a site with our pics etc on....
yeh you will you can still come on AB works worldwide I promise !! xx
although I wont be being paid to do it then :(..Hat how do you know fms??
awwwwww - u had better not forget us!!

oh and we're gonna see what u look like :OP
we speak on msn ads !
which turtle r u ive forgott already
im the blue one....

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