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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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Mild case of tourettes admarlow?

Im not a morning person either - blody hate em - especially when its cold outside :O(

Im gonna lunch on.....hmm..probably a ham and cheese sub! They know me in there now and make me feel all special.
are you feeling a little bit blue today Nat?

What can we do to make you happy? x
No im quite happy - do i seem blue :o( ?
its a game... ok I have never dress up as a member of the opposite sex..
I probably have when i play football...does that count?
no you cant have that one nat!! xx
Ah no Nat just checking our hero is grand and dandy.
I have never- slept with anyone more than 10 years older than me

awww bless ya spk!! Im happy if my heros are happy!!

I have never done that either....!
never killed anyone, done it in a field, been able to NOT touch a sign that says wet paint
I havent done that either, ok ive never slept with some one taller than me, have you with someone shorter?
touch a wall I mean. Ah you are all bright ye know what I mean
hmm.... im pretty sure i havent slept with someone shorter,

I have never had a 3some....
never had a 3some =0{ (yet) I have done it in a field, never killed someone...
i have never killed someone either...

I have never done it in a field :o(
Done it outside NEWCASTLE uni though.... :o)
havent slept with anyone shorter, no 3 somes either. I feel dead boring.

I have snogged a girl though !
never outside newcastle uni but yes to southampton uni.....and yes to a car
lol - i havent even snogged a girl...even though a girl asked me too....
ive snogged a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never a boy...been asked ha ha ha
do you live down in southampton way ad?

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