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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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HAHA Really? See its the ears and the mask, boots and cape that do it for me.
bored, bored, bored...Im not used to being back at work =0{
me too. Im going to browse all these new mad categories in here for a while see what people are snivelling about today
Im back. Sorry held in a meeting - how dare they!!!

Yeah it would be well funny if i knew your girlfriend - or maybe we've spoken before may have even had a little rendezvous!!! lol. Funny how we'll never know!

Don might be releated to one of my mates - how cool would that be!

lol ralph!! I don't remember you (from your pic) but that doesn't really mean much!! ha ha we may well have had a rendezvous!! ha ha well weve definatle both been to Watford.
lol how i would laugh if we had!!

We couldve made baby turtles on the dancfloor!!! ive never been THAT drunk.......
lol babyturtles!!

BTW is it only me or when Im bored at work my mind starts to wonder to things it shouldn't wonder to when im at work!?!?!
lol what kind of things are they...?
hhhmmmmm well how can I put it ''unpure thoughts'' , ha ha its true when im bored at work my mind switches to sex
lol. If that was the case for me i think i'd be a nymphomaniac!
ha ha now ive said that I bet you find yourself doing it one day!!!!
I find myself doing it now....! :O(

My boyfriends gone to High Street Ken to buy me the Football Manager 2007 game....he asked if i wanted it tonight..... i might sneakily get him to stay over...;O)
Sio-Bans gone missing on us again! Don where arrrreeee yoooouuu?!

Works nearly over - wooo hooo.
getting him to buy your love nat lol!!
lol damn right.

Everyone seems to be rather horny today - if u read all the threads - must be something in the air.

Think im defintely gonna see my boyfriend tonight.

How often do you see MissAdmarlow?
usually at least 3 times a week, but sepeak every night
I have had the afternoon from hell. I fc%kin hate the general public I have had every single twQt and ars�hole in the uk on the phone today and I am in a bad bloomin mood.

For the next 8 minutes I am sitting with my arms folded doing nothing. BAS$TARDS AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Have a nice evening turtles xx
poor you spk ,, Ill sort em all out for you x x x x x
I swear I feel like throwing my pc through the window in a fit of rage. I need a drink or some kind of herbal downer
deep breaths spk, imagine you are on a quiet beach oh koh Phangan, simming a singha.......

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