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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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It is my initials indeed. What does admarlow stand fer?
ooh am I !?!?! I used the irish as a starting point,,, ok maybe sarah!?!?!
Im going shooting this sunday then off to a mexican restaurant , its going to be the best day ever!!
lol spk, ill give you 1 guess ha ha
Siobhan is right, Im not telling you the rest ! :Op

Admarlow- emmm. Your surname???? x
well my surname is Marlow can you guess my 1st name??
lol ha ha a....d....a....m.. xxxxxx
Duh ! Im daft- come on , Im blonde and Irish, what hope do I have lets be honest !
ha ha spk, I just laughed really loud, now everyone knows im not working...thanks a million!!!!

Im a grass as well then ! x
u see i try and tell my friends they have no hope - i think im the only one who isnt Irish amongest my friends....bless them.

They need a girl like me to teach them things and educate them...

I knew adams name from when he sent me that �1.

Siobhan Patsy Kennedy?
raffy ? where you gone?
Not kennedy, kavanagh, not patsy. Im not tellin ! Some other ninjas might steal me or something
ha ha good detective work nat,, the whole world is irish (even Miss Admarlow!!)
ok Sioban Pauline kildare
How wierd would it be if I knew some of your friends Nat or Miss Admarlow? Creepy.
or if miss admarlow knew some of nats mates.....

I better watch my step ha ha ah
ok i missed it wer did this ninga turtle thing come fron tyhen
HI fms. In a nutshell ( well ninja half shell really) Nat one day had 25 bucks burnin a big fat juicy hole in her pocket. I suggested a batman suit, which she declined, but she told us she always wanted a turtle suit. So then Nat wanted to be a turtle, I still wanted to be batman, but then apparently Batman is last season so I also decided to be a turtle. And we like admarlow so he became a turtle too.
...and Ive never looked back x x xx x
ahah i see spk muchos grathias
i can add that the batman one is a nightmare wen you need the loo i tryed that at a fancydress party recently

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